Congratulations on your new car, the 1956 Chevrolet. As you take it home for the first time, let us make you aware of the most popular ways to rip it apart and make it almost unrecognizable:
Category Archives: One of A Kind
1933 Delage D8S. Tuesday night on Velocity at 9:30ET/8:30CST! Who needs a lift?
Tomorrow night on Discovery’s Velocity Channel we’re featuring two all new OOAKs. This award show stunner is chromed to the gills. Tune in for more.
Too Sexy for My Barn. ’39 Bugatti Type 57C only on “One of A Kind:Cars” on Velocity!
The Beautiful Bugatti…A Passion for Design. All New Episodes Tonight!
by Eileen Marable
I am biased. I love Bugattis. There is just something so elegant about their curves and so debonair in their styling. Just thinking about them takes me back to the golden age of old Hollywood. Men wore suits and dressed for dinner and the women had impossibly tiny waists and never had a hair out of place. Their homes were filled with art deco furniture and they drove luxurious, stretched out Bugattis.
Katherine Hepburn drove one in 1933’s Christopher Strong. A Bugatti had a cameo alongside Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers in 1934’s The Gay Divorcee. Another pops up in 1935’s Remember Last Night.
For those of you who are aren’t into old Hollywood I’m delighted to report a classic Bugatti even makes an appearance in a chase scene in Magnum P.I.
Now that’s what I call a timeless classic! (Continue reading on the Velocity Blog).
One of A Kind. The Genius of Ferrari. This Tuesday.
When you stop to consider the brand that is Ferrari, you’d assume that company founder – Enzo Ferrari – would be proud. There is the Ferrari name on everything from the cars themselves to headphones and the name is recognized around the world. Proud? Nope… he’d probably be downright pissed off.
Enzo Ferrari was a car man. A racing man. He didn’t much care for the fact that he had to sell cars to finance his racing team. In fact, he was said to dislike the people who bought Ferraris because he believed they were simply interested in the prestige of the name and not the car itself. (continue reading at Velocity Blog)
For more OOAKs check out our Facebook page. And for more about the battle between Ford and Ferrari pick up author AJ Baime’s masterful book: Go Like Hell: Ford, Ferrari and their Battle for Speed and Glory at Le Mans.
Auburn Cord Duesenberg Museum. A Big Thanks from “One of A Kind:Cars”.
New “One of A Kind” Episode Tonight.
1955 Chevrolet Biscayne. Welcome to the Future.
General Motors was spending too much money keeping its museum pieces in storage, and they decided to clean house. We’ve all made that decision. We’ve tossed out old class notes, or clothes we’ve outgrown, or a pot we used to make pasta night after night. And it’s not until those things are gone that we realize that it had more value than we thought.
America’s Most Awesome Car.
If you’ve never driven on the salt flats of Utah and Nevada, you may not know that it’s exactly like driving on the surface of the moon. I personally managed to drive my poky little Saturn on the salt flats, taking an ill-advised shortcut, and managed to drive in a straight line, as fast as I could, for hours, in absolute silence. It is an incredible feeling of spacelessness. Nothing moves. There are no signs. You have no sense of place. You could be anywhere.